Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Answers to Questions

1. What is a spiritual Facilitator?
Well the definition of a facilitator is: someone who makes progress easier. I do this through my gift of intuition (which is instinctively knowing what's going on with a person without the use of rational processing). So basically I am being aware spirit to spirit and have developed that gift into a talent. I can then see through your spirits energy where you are stuck and are having problems within your spirit. Then, I figure out where that problem is coming from and ask your spirit to release it and let it go.

2. How can a spiritual facilitator benefit me?
 Sometimes we feel strong pulls from either anger, anxiety, grudges and even depression but have little to no idea why we are feeling this way. In reality we are seeing our faults and wanting to get rid of them but don't know how. Or you have tried to but it keeps coming back up. There are so many reasons for this strong pull. What I do is I find the main root or source of where the problem lies. Sometimes we have pains in our bodies that have caused us grief and though we have done everything we thought possible, it stays. The problem is, we haven't found the belief, emotional, or spiritual root or source so it lands on us physically and continues to be stuck in our bodies. I have also worked with behavioral issues such as schizophrenia, autism, and even addictions. I work at seeing what is going on and helping in facilitating to correct the problem within the spirit and then eventually the body feels better along with the emotions once things are let go.

 3. Can you explain what it means when you have a strong gut feeling, and you ignore that feeling by doing the opposite of what you feel, and things don't go right?
 It is when your spirit knows what to do or where to go but the flesh is weak and becomes subject to the temptation to ignore what is being taught by our spirit. In essence, we rebel against our spirits desire and do what our flesh wants. Then things that could have been avoided come to pass because we are drowning out our spirit  with our own beliefs.

4. Can you help us understand what's happening internally when your heart really desires something, but for some reason you're struggling with achieving that thing that because it feels like there's a force against you-like you can't get out of the way?
There are three ways we can put a large block in our minds eye of what we are wanting to achieve. The first one is fear(False Evidence Appearing Real). we can make up irrational realities of what things are pertaining to our situations and make them become real. The second is anger or grudge holding. This is when you are unable to emotionally get past the anger or hurt far enough to get a clear view of what you need and want to accomplish. The third one is pride/ego (which is the worlds perception of who you are). We often use
pride and ego as a defense against something that we don't feel safe feeling such as love, forgiveness and charity towards all.

5. What would you say are the top 3 changes someone would see during/after working with you? Clarity, Perspective and Vision.  Clarity is going to feel like you are just waking up from a deep sleep or it's going to feel like you have finally reached the surface from drowning in all your debris. I will help give you clarity on who you really are and what you can obtain in this life through knowledge and wisdom that you have never had or just hoped to have had. Perspective will look like a path with signs that gives you validation that you are going the right way and to keep going and moving forward. I will also help give validation on feelings and thoughts that are positive and great things that are happening with inside of you that will motivate and change your life for the better forever. I will also help give you a new perspective about yourself that is not going to be from the worlds view but from the view from the light within your spirit. Now that you are fully awake and alive and are ready to tackle the world you will be given a new vision of hope and joy! Joy that you have never thought possible or have always wanted. With this new vision comes agency, we work together to help give you opportunities to move past “You” to see the real You.

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